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Normal Routine : press Conference  With  Majid Majidi

 It is eveybody's  duty  to support the theater

Iran Theater-Majid Majidi, Iranian Ocar-nominated director  requested  all Iranian artists and cultural officials to support the theater at the press conference of the show "Normal Routine/Le Circuit ordinaire" which is being staged in Tehran these days.

 Written by Jean-Claude Carriere and  directed by Kiaresh Roast,the performance of the play "Normal Routine"  opened on Thursday, April 18, in the Charsoo Hall of City Theater Complex.

A few hours before the premiere of "Normal Routine", the press conference  was held with the presence of Majid Majidi, a famous iranian director  who nominated the Oscar  for the best international film for "Children of the Heaven".

Kiaresh Roast, the director of the show "Normal Routine", cited Jean-Claude Carriere's interest in Iranian culture and art as one of the reasons for performing a play by this French screenwriter and playwright at this conference.

Then, Majid Majidi, who  produces  the show, said: "Tehran's City Theater Complex has a certain nostalgia for me. At the beginning of the Islamic revolution (from 1979 to 1984), I lived in the City Theater Complex  for about five years. I have memories of each and every hall in this complex."
 He continued: "We worked on the show Movement at the beginning of the revolution in Charsoo Hall,it was directed by Shahid Hossein Qashqaei. At that time, , I learned life lessons from Shahid Qashqaei as well as theaterlessons. If I am here today, it is a tribute to him."

 The director of "Children Of Heaven"  added: "The duty of all of us is to support the theater. We owe it to the theater. During  the 1980s, some artists like me left the theater and started work in cinema. "Most of the people who came to the cinema from the theater are successful actors or directors." 

Majidi said about taking over the production of the "Normal Routine" show: "This show is full of creativity and everything I did for the  group was completely sincere. I hopet that  this theater troupe will be successful in the future."

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